Welcome to Well-Aged… exploring and redefining the second half of life.

Well, here is my first attempt at creating a blog site.  I’m not sure what I’m doing or how they exactly work but I want to give it a try…

… At 55, I’m past midlife but like many my age, I still feel like I’ve still got so much of life yet to live.  Sounds cliche but there are so many of us who do feel this way and aren’t sure what to do with the dichotomy between our spirit and what our bodies, upbringing, society and our values tell us we should be.

Well-aged welcomes your thoughts, ideas and comments to share as we go through this process of finding and pursuing our passions, family life, assessing/refreshing our careers and thought formations with the knowledge and power we’ve developed over the past several decades.  Many of us at this stage of life were still brought up to believe we need to be at a certain place by now but we are getting so many messages that  we don’t have to.  So, I want to figure that out. I am now more aware than ever that this is really it, this is life and hey, its running fast – better catch up to it and be in it…

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